home > ARCHIVE > 2015 BCFC > Workshop


Tallis Scholars & Peter Phillips


Canada is the second largest country by area in the world. While aboriginal voices make their presence felt, its widely-spaced population is largely of immigrant origin, and many ethnic traditions and inflections can still be heard in its various regional musics. Succeeding generations of Canadian composers have shared their cultural legacies and have give rise to a particularly rich choral repertoire. This short presentation will introduce participations to Canada, from the Atlantic to the Pacific to the Arctic, through its many and diverse choral voices.


The Atlantic Provinces - the Celtic heritage
Quebec - the French-Canadian legacy
Ontario - the British and colonial connection
The Prairie Provinces - the Germani, Mennonites, Ukrainians
British Columbia - beyond the mountains, looking westward to Asia and the "Pacific Rim"
The North - Canada's aboriginal lnuit voices

Tallis Scholars & Peter Phillips

Georg Frederic Händel: Oratorios. Overview
Score and interpretation. Types of Choral-settings

Händel wrote about 25 oratorios, most of them sacred with themes from the bible. Only a few of these compositions belong to the common concert-repertoire. But there is a lot of fascinating music in rather unknown oratorios, both for choirs and soloists. In this workshop we will have a look into the scores

- enquiring the key for interpretation approach
- on the different types of choral-settings.

Period instruments? How to sing in baroque manner?
The audience is asked to rehearse and sing this music.

Tallis Scholars & Peter Phillips


Singing in a choir is not only about singing well, but singing well together. This workshop features a collection of musicianship games and exercises meant to develop singers’ focus and awareness, sense of intonation, and ensemble skills. There will be counting and rhythmic games as well as an introduction to solfege, with exercises and canons.
